It is with immense pride, for everything that has been achieved across our school this year, that we bring this academic year to a close. It has been an incredible year, with so much positivity for our students, staff and our whole school community. Thank you to everyone who plays their part, students, staff and families, for making SRS such a special place.
I have shared some of the year’s highlights in the letter which has been sent to you via Edulink (it can also be found here: ) – please take a few minutes to read it and note some of the key information for our return in September.
You will also find a list of calendar dates for 2024-25, please keep it handy and note the dates which will be important for you and your child/children.
I wish each of our students, staff and families and very happy summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you in September!
With best wishes,
Mrs Cross
Read the full newsletter here: