During April and May groups of up to 12 Year 7 students went for a series of two-day cycle training courses laid on by the borough.
Students were taught the basics about cycle maintenance and safety when riding on the road. They were instructed by the Vandome Cycle training company which is run by Mr Russell Coe who shares the school wish to see as many pupils cycling to and from school.
The courses saw our students being given a booklet about safe bike-riding as well as the hands-on experience of cycling on public roads. “This training will help your pupils realise the importance of sensible and responsible behaviour when cycling in our area” said Mr Coe.
All students who took part and completed the course will receive a certificate and badge to prove they have achieved a level 1 or 2 “Bikeability” qualification which replaced the old “Cycling Proficiency” scheme.
Mr Sullivan, the SRS Travel Plan co-ordinator was pleased to see so many students taking part. Along with other staff at our school he hopes to see the large, new cycle shed being used by as many cyclists as possible during the coming months. This facility is open to use by students from all years. It’s covered and has gates that are locked during the school day to prevent damage or theft to the cycles. The cycle training and provision of safe and convenient storage show how our re-built school hopes to see Staff & Students travelling in environmentally friendly ways.