The key features of our assessment cycle are:
- In the Primary phase, pupils are regularly assessed in Reading, Writing, GPS and numeracy, with half-termly assessments across areas of the wider curriculum. Parents are given feedback, at least termly, on how their child is performing against age-related expectations. This is reported as Working Towards (WT), or Working At (WA) age-related expectations. In some subjects, namely Literacy and Numeracy, a child may also be working to Greater Depth (GD), exceeding age-related expectations.
- In the secondary phase, students are given minimum expected targets at the beginning of Year 7 and Year 12, based on their prior attainment at KS2 and KS4. These targets are minimum targets and we work with students to help them first reach and then exceed them
- Students are assessed regularly in class, using the formative assessment approaches outlined in our assessment strategy, giving regular feedback to help students know where they are and what they need to do next to continue to develop their learning
- There are three assessment points in the year, where students sit more formal assessments and where their progress is report to parents (called Tracking Assessments (TAs) or VIth form Milestone Assessments (VIMAs). Students in Y7-10 and Y12 will have an End of Year exam, normally as TA/VIMA3, assessing everything they have been taught to date on their course. This is followed by a Results Day and presentation of awards by the Principal for the highest performers and those who have made the most progress.