Dear Parent/Guardian,
Vaccination UK will be coming into the school on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th May to administer the second dose of the HPV vaccination, to the Year 8 students who have consent.
You can complete the online consent form by here
Alternatively, Paper consent letters will be distributed out at the beginning of next week to students who have yet consented or refused. Please return the completed consent forms to the school by Friday 12th May.
It is important to do this even if you choose not to consent to your child’s vaccination. Please note, if you choose not to complete consent, this does not mean that you have refused the vaccine. You must complete a consent whether you wish for your child to have it or not.
The vaccination is free and recommended for young people to protect them against the human papilloma virus which increases the risk of developing some cancers later in life, such as cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anus and genital areas.
Read more about the vaccination by visiting