I would like to start this week’s newsletter with a special congratulations to all our children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 who have worked very hard in their phonics this year and have made such fantastic progress. Your teachers and LSAs are incredibly proud of you, as are we all.
Reading is such an important skill which requires continued practise, with time dedicated to develop our reading skills. I am excited to see the launch of our summer reading challenges across the school in the coming weeks.
We are very lucky to benefit from extensive libraries on both sites of our schools, as well as local libraries which are well- resourced. Please make good use of the facilities available and ensure you are reading every day (even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes) to enjoy immersing yourself in a book whilst also building your vocabulary, feeding your imagination and practising your comprehension skills.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Cross
Read the full newsletter here