We have made it through what feels like the longest month of the year for us all!
It has been a busy week, with students and staff alike working hard in this important stage of the academic year. Students who recently completed assessments are now really focussed on the gaps in their knowledge and understanding to ensure they are set up to do their best in the summer exams.
For our students, particularly those in Year 11 and Year 13, this is the time to take things up a gear – the next level of their energy, motivation and drive for their studies should now kick in. There is still time to make a big difference in their progress…but that time is ticking.
Parents, carers and family members, we ask you to ensure your child is keeping a healthy balance between studies and rest, with healthy meals and the right amount of sleep. Please help you child to maximise study time by avoiding distractions of mobile phones/TV etc – when students are studying it needs 100% focus to make it worthwhile.
We know that, for our students, it can feel like the exams are still ages away…but we all know just how quickly that time will pass. Thank you for your continued support in ensuring they are able to achieve their very best.
This week we have been delighted to receive the permission to use the Embraced Thrive logo (see above) in recognition of the school’s commitment to adopting the Thrive approach in our practices. A number of our students benefit from small group/1-1 support with a qualified Thrive practitioner as part of our on-going commitment to ensuring the highest standards of inclusive practice to meet the needs of all of our students. You can find out more about the Thrive approach here:
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Mrs Cross
Read the full newsletter here: