I hope you all enjoyed a restful half-term holiday and feel recharged and ready for a great few weeks ahead! It’s a very short half-term so there’s plenty to do as we head towards the end of the spring term.
For students in Year 6, they will have received news of the secondary school place today – congratulations to all who have been offered a place in Sydney Russell School for Year 7 in September! Whether you are moving from SRS Year 6 into Year 7, or joining from another primary school, we look forward to welcoming you and supporting you in your transition to secondary!
Next week, on Thursday 7th March, we will welcome our governors for their spring term review visit during which they will visit lessons, meet students and staff and work with the school’s leadership team to review progress towards our priorities for the year. I look forward to sharing the outcomes of the visit with you next week.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Cross
Read the full newsletter here: